Yeah, I don’t know what people are complaining about.
Floods, tornadoes, blizzards, earthquakes … you guys have it all!
drought to flood = average, don’t it?
re BOOM! Clinton Foundation Hit with Racketeering Lawsuit
Heart warming news. I noticed a trend after the big meltdown. Bernie Madoff got caught. And after that, I’ve seen one after another in the local papers here, people getting caught after many many years of getting away with crooked crap. Corruption all over the place getting exposed. Ever since 2008.
So I invented a new saying….
“Whatever you were getting away with, you had better stop BEFORE you get caught”
WANKA @ 18:11
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer Beastie. 🙂
FWIW and what I believe too!!
Cabal Declares Weather War on Texas
God bless Texas. Â
I don’t believe in coincidences and I have to agree with Steve Quayle; it certainly looks like the signature cabal weather strike against the people who objected to what they perceived to be a threat—Jade Helm.
Isn’t it ironic that although the Governor provided the Texas State Guard as oversight to the exercises, the one thing they couldn’t see coming was the actual weapon used in retaliation?
Could more geoengineering lead to the Governor declaring a “state of emergency”, requiring more troops, using those Wal-Mart “FEMA” camps, etc.? It’s going to be an interesting summer. I have no doubt of that.
When the cabal hit Calgary awhile back with that freak summer storm, the RCMP went to residents’ homes after evacuation and broke in, confiscating guns. People had to prove ownership to get them back.
As Sheldan Nidle said in his update this week, the cabal has plenty of tricks up their sleeve. This may also be a distraction from their other plans unfolding. Â ~Â Â BP
Quayle Alert: Jade Helm Revenge Starts? Bastrop TX Stood Up Against the Jade Helm Excercise & Look What’s Happening -Deadly Weather Warfare Right Before our Eyes Against Them
May 26, 2015
As I’m looking through breaking news headlines, and seeing the continuous references to the extreme weather so concentrated over TX, and coupled with the continuous chemtrailing that happens throughout the US, I can’t help but think that what is going on right now as part of the Jade Helm “exercise”, could not actually be the domestic roll out of weather warfare on an aggressive scale.
We know they can control the weather to at least some degree. We know that the chemtrailing over CA and in the Pacific modifies the jet stream to both keep CA dry and to force that precipitation east towards TX and other southern states.
We know that Jade Helm is “pretending” that TX is a hostile enemy that must be engaged. The military is already rolling out across the state as part of this “drill”.
Why then, is it not reasonable to assume that as part of this “mock civil war drill” that they would not practice using the tools that they have in their arsenal? They used typhoons against the enemy in the Vietnam War, why would they not use this form of warfare against a domestic enemy as well?
I mean, how perfect is it that the military will be on hand to help “assist” the state with any effects of this “freak weather”? The citizens would stand down as the military rolls into major cities to assist in “humanitarian efforts” as opposed to protesting martial law drills in their peaceful state.
It’s just too coincidental that this Jade Helm thing is going on with TX the stated target, the biker shooting in Waco involved the Banditos gang which a year ago Holder’s (criminal) Justice Dept released a report about that gang and stated concern that they have many active and retired military, police and other federal government personnel as members (one of their “red list” targets that now they can portray as criminals), AND on top of all that TX is being completely hammered with extreme weather that seems suspiciously like what one would characterize as weather war.
I’m sorry, but to me this all seems too coincidental and too perfectly timed not to be part of an orchestrated and unified program. This is just conjecture but as we know, the truth is most often stranger than fiction.
Thought maybe I’d share this perspective as something to be considering as the alternative media tries to stay a step ahead of where they want us to be.
May God bless and protect you!
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If Great Minds think ALIKE
Criminal minds rhyme …Monsanto and Obama Democrats will reach a deal to share the LOOT ! You can count on it !
Their swindle inclinations are so much alike ,slick Willie is their Mentor ….and Slick Hillary wants in to keep the Swindle going to Fund Democrap Campaigns for another 8 years.Monsanto will create a slush Fund for all of them.
The Greek Deal
the only question is will the European UNion guarantee Greek debt to the IMF ? Thats what all this bull shit is all about .The Banksters want the rest of EURoPE to back stop Greek debt …The money changers are at it again until JESUS throws them out of the TEMPLE AGAIN….Will GB negotiate a exception for themselves ? Is that what CAMERONs negotiating with Europeans is all about ? Yes we will come in if we are exceptioned out of backstopping Greek DEBT ?
goldielocks @ 12:44 Monsanto Same S–T different Day
They want a Patent on a strain so they can SUE anybody else who grows anywhere near them for Cross Pollination and stealing and violating their patents …Just like they did with CORN and tried to sue out of existence Mexican corn growers who have been growing corn and using native seeds for thousands of years .They will sue anybody who cant afford to defend themselves and also say they are the only ones legally allowed to grow pot since the Gubberment gave them a patent and no one else ! Everyone growing pot can now be sued and the Gubberment will sanction the suit since the others dont have a patent and therefore a LICENCE so everybody else is illegal except them.GUbberment will support their contention because they want everyone to get a Licence and PAY TAXES on the POT.
So Gubberment gets in bed with a criminal enterprise in order to share the LOOT……HOW CONVIENIENT ! A SHARED CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE with the Gubberment as your partner just like the MAFIA shared gambling in CUBA with a Crooked Government that was overthrown.Maybe thats the business model for a change in our government !
ipso facto @ 10:03 re Scramble begins as Patriot Act teeters
“SAVE THE JOBS”. Imo they are trying to keep the thousands of artificially created occupations, and for land lords, all the buildings being rented for the NSA.
The jerks running things have also been creating and trying to expand, a “Global Warming” Industry (tax absorbing) to replace all the lost manufacturing industries. (tax paying)
QE4 Arrives: Mystery Drone Rains Money On People In Michigan, Cash-Grabbing Frenzy Ensues
Could SA’s gold mining industry be gone by 2020?
An industry in decline
Despite South Africa’s wealth of resources, the country has steadily been losing ground against other commodity producers because miners are simply no longer able to operate as efficiently or effectively as they once did.
“We have 6 152 abandoned mines in South Africa,” Major said. “We went through the greatest commodity boom the world has ever seen, but it’s is all over now and all we have show for it is 6 000 mines that didn’t re-open.”
The greatest decline has probably been in the gold industry, where South Africa has slipped from dominating the global industry to being a bit player. In the 1970s, South Africa produced 80% of the world’s gold, now it accounts for around just 5% of global output.
“In 1979 we earned $35 billion from gold,” Major said. “Now we barely get $6 billion, and the country is hurting not getting this money.”
The commodity boom at the start of this century should have allowed South Africa’s mines to flourish. However, poor decision making handicapped the industry.
“When commodities went up in the 70s, the earnings of our gold mines rocketed,” Major said. “But in the last run, gold went up higher and stayed up longer, but earnings hardly got off the ground.”
Blah Blah Blah Fix the unfixable … C’mon sheepies you’re just going to get a little trim …
Return Of “Greek Deal Pending” Rumor Sparks Stocks, Euro Surge
Kudos to Rand Paul!
Scramble begins as Patriot Act teeters … good riddance!
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is running out of time to save sections of the Patriot Act that the White House deems crucial to national security.
Top lawmakers and their aides are scrambling to find a last-minute deal to save the law, which is speeding toward expiration — at midnight Sunday — after a series of Senate votes failed to resolve an impasse over the National Security Agency (NSA).
Hope you’re situated on high ground!
Good morning Oasis
Barrick investors welcome Chinese tie-up, debt reduction moves
Pure Gold Hits More Near-Surface, High-Grade Gold at Madsen
Sprott Formally Launches Offers to Central GoldTrust and Silver Bullion Trust Unitholders
Guyana Goldfields Inc. Commences Mill Commissioning; First Gold Pour Remains on Schedule for Mid-2015
Orezone Applies for the Bombore Mining Permit
Carpathian Gold Inc. Announces Rovina Mining License Agreement
Great Panther Completes Acquisition of Cangold
Gold Train
Like Sysiphus, we watched it fall downhill again.
It really gets me steamed!
Natural News…..Lotsa flood pictures!!
Just one day after I urged nationwide preparedness efforts, Central Texas and Oklahoma got hit with extreme, near-biblical flooding…
Several people died and a dozen more are missing… hundreds of homes swept away… thousands of lives impacted.
We are organizing an emergency food aid effort for Central Texas to donate storable organics from our store. In the mean time, here’s the story (with photos) of what happened last night in Texas and Oklahoma:
Bingo Thats a historical keeper
When all is said and done with this administration, its legacy will be its reputation for SHUCKIN & JIVIN its way through 8 years of making sure everybody gets a share of the Poverty ..!
… but will the Romanians let them build it?
Eldorado Gold Announces Positive Feasibility Study on Certej Project, Romania