Just pure dumb luck – guess I had an angel on my shoulder …. just two weeks before he did that , I got nervous because my former employer’s 401K plan was put in the hands of a bank which made moving from one fund to another very tedious . I decided to roll over the 401K into a self directed IRA , and being a long time goldbug , put a lot of that into AEM , and other HUI miners . I was also an Apple fan at the time and I think I was buying APPL for around $7 a share ( pre-split ) later that year . Then I got disgusted with APPL insider politics and sold . BIG mistake !
But the miners did well for me for several years . Now poorer but maybe wiser – stayed in the PM’s too long , then bought the dips ( read : caught lots of falling knives and lost fingers ).
Still hold too many juniors , but one day ………..