It means your in a DEPRESSION ! NO JOBS !
This process needs to be reversed …Devalue the Dollar !Increase Exports ! Create JOBS !
Raise the Price of GOLD and all three will happin…
After this is done the ECONOMY will get so damm good and unemployment will go to 3 % then and only then does raising interest RATES make sense to head off inflation !
A Strong Dollar and rising RATES is suicide for the US …but thats what Communists DO when then want to make everyone EQUAL …punish producers redistribute wealth to non producers and you become a “third world Nation” I suppose as a communist thats your goal but the only time everybody is “equal”is when they all got NOTHIN…. Do we want “equality” I sure dont ! I have NO equals and dont want any !
When the Dollar is as “good as Gold”
Just for the record, not like AuGirl is out there or Farmboy could ribbit a confirmation…
AuGirl, I’m calling a top on Van RE at the end of June.
with a hat tip to ipso
Rand, hmmm, there was a corporation once, I think described in Economic Hitman…coincided with NSA
Rand had a chance and he sold out. He ain’t like his Pappy.
Of course, 43 wasn’t like his Pappy 41 either. Roll the skull and bones on 45…
Well jeez, at least I can hat tip this to wanks