Sometimes society around them creates these monsters. Many factors of influence including school, food, adjuvants in vaccines, air, media, TV, Judicial system and Drugs. The columbine high school at least one was on prescription drugs that was just changed due to his violent ideations to another with similar side affects. The pharmas in America are walking free while they profit.
This new killer did you see his eyes? It’s like he’s off the reservation, not there. If I saw him off the street Id stay away from him. Guessing another one that slipped through the cracks of the system and a system who thinks drugs or locking people up are the answer.
In Calif. There a Pan who is pushing for mandatory vaccinations to everyone. Now according to people who are tracking him he wants cops to be able to shoot people with drugs that they deem mentally unstable like a wild animal without knowing their medical history, if they are already on drugs, or what adverse effects they could have or the misuse or abuse in untrained or hostile hands. Since he’s also a doctor I suggested to them which I think they already are address the medical board. This church killing although tragic and good people were killed pales to the things Gov is doing to people collectivly everyday and in this case with the race baiting instigating it.