Re part:
“I agree but with debt will they turn on the people like in 08 to save themselves and will the people fight back this time.”
“The only good that is done is by the people not them. Then they’ll come along and try to profit in that too”
I myself know of several people not making mortgage payments for three years now. One has been buying silver coins and other collectibles with the “profits”. Another saved up a bunch of money and moved to Fla and bought a house cash.
Another, stopped paying, bought a cheaper house, rented out the abandoned house to a friend, and kept all the incoming rent money. Also the new gov’t agenda and objective is higher wages for the masses, thru higher base wages.
We also have squatters living in empty houses for free. I see many benefits going on. Much of the negative things you described is well known old news. Gun control in general is waning.
There is a new future coming, while the old one is in trouble for exposing its bad results, including ’08 meltdown, Bernie Madoff, and “Iraci Freedom” etc etc. You really need to put more and new thought about what is going on after ’08.
Generally “looking right” is easy re the past. Talking like I do is always looking wrong, not pleasant. I report what I see for free.
I always looked wrong in the late ’60s early ’70s when everybody was very happy as they started stealthily getting screwed by imports and LOW WAGE objectives. Union busting United Auto workers, Air Traffic controllers, tax breaks to invest over seas in the ’70s etc