My comments in BOLD.
“I have been expecting this for a year and a half now. And nothing. I have had my ass handed to me shorting this market and been buried by gold mining stocks that were supposed to already be in a bear market with “little downside”. “
Welcome to the matrix. I have been waiting for over ten years. What I have learned is there is no “sure thing” to how they will manipulate things next. Control is absolute and total.
“I get it. Stack and stack. Be prepared. Okay.”
It is all we have left… personal control outside the paper realm.
“But can someone on this site write a clear or short sketch how all of these things are supposed to end in a crisis? “
In a word… Badly.
“I mean simply, like a football play with x and o’s. Can the process even be distilled to something that simple? What actually gets this feces vortex whirling?”
If that could be so easily determined by an outside observer, they (insiders) would certainly change the rules yet again to hide the control processes. All we can do is wait…. for that time when control is finally lost and things collapse. “HOW” it happens does not matter. That it WILL happen at some time is a virtual certainty. So we wait… and watch… and stack…. and be prepared in the best way each of us is able to do.
It has been a long time coming. Many have lost patience along the way. They wear us down with the delays.