I really am, but for as long as I’ve been in these markets for the last twenty years, the markets look to fleece people that think logically, to try and go against the money masters is always a foolish bet. Look at the article I posted a little awhile ago. GREEK LEADERS DO NOT WANT TO LEAVE HE EU!! They are willing to sue to stay in. The money masters don’t want them in, they want them out, which means they have everything under control. The Euro rose today, that means there are no problems. Understand?
We’ve been snookered. The ChineseĀ and the AIIB areĀ the next thing to fool investors into thinking there will be a sea change to sound money. Not going to happen.
I’ve come to believe, all the big boyz are in on it. Russia, China, US, UK. All phony, The fiat regimes and One world order are now upon us.
Sorry for the rant, but gold told us everything we needed to know today.