OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

The Greek Olympic Financial Games

Posted by Maya @ 13:38 on July 5, 2015  

…are ON!  Anyone want to buy some Greek Bonds?… or catch a falling knife..?


The derivatives ‘fallout’ will be more than just some bloody hands.

It may look distant… but the shock wave is coming.



Greek polls

Posted by NEMO @ 12:47 on July 5, 2015  

All six major Greek TV stations are predicting a victory for the No campaign, says Sky News.



Worth a listen

Posted by goldielocks @ 12:23 on July 5, 2015  

People from all over the world are trying to support the activists against mandatory vaccines and got this message from a frien. It’s growing,

More footage on the Santa Monica Health Freedom Rally on July 3, 2015. There is going to be a 5 million person March in Washington, DC!!!! A MUST HEAR!!! People from Sweden and all over Europe, Africa, etc., will be part of the March. They are calling for a OPEN HEARING of the CDC Whistle Blower Dr. Thompson.



Well you won’t see this in mainstream news

Posted by goldielocks @ 12:20 on July 5, 2015  

Guy who supported ” correction volunteered over Pan mandatory vaccines in Calif.  Took the vaccines now in hospital in Sacramento  from vaccines. Pan and Brown should be next.

Greek exit polls (all four)

Posted by NEMO @ 12:10 on July 5, 2015  

give “NO” the victory.




Posted by goldielocks @ 12:00 on July 5, 2015  

Cash to be limited in Europe from there they will lower the amounts. Have no doubt about that. Think I saw something like that coming before he talked about it or some reporting method. Even he said, markets can’t be manipulated forever ” acknowledging they are when they want a edge” but looks like as long as they can.



Posted by silverngold @ 10:50 on July 5, 2015  

You said, “You’re suspect in my book silverngold.” 

I’ve often thought the same about you. LOL!!! I’ve thought either you are blind or you have an agenda yourself to discourage others from seeing what is plain to see by anyone with a brain and at least one eye. Have you ever watched any of the videos on Geoengineering, climate change, weather warfare etc? It appears it is your job to discourage any thought that the PTB  are using geoengineering as one of many methods to depopulate the world.

And on the subject of staying on topic of gold and silver, I’m having trouble recalling any posts of yours that are on topic of gold and silver. All I can remember is your negative posts trying to discredit or discourage others who are striving to expose what is happening in our world. Whatever!! You are entitled to your opinion, just as I am entitled to mine!!

All the Best eeos……….silverngold



Best article-to date–on the Greek sittchy-ation!!

Posted by Richard640 @ 10:47 on July 5, 2015  

[quoted herein=CARL Weinberg of High Frequency Economics-in Barrons this weekend]

The Greek Bluff In All Its Glory: Presenting The Grexit “Falling Dominoes”—Zero Hedge

What would happen if Italy suddenly got an extra funding requirement of more than €60bn? Every euro apologist point to Italy’s primary surplus, but what good does that do when your debt is over 130 per cent of GDP and rising? The interest payment on that gargantuan debt load means Italy must cough up more than €75bn a year just to service liabilities already incurred. A primary surplus is a useless concept in a situation like the one Italy finds itself in. Adding another €60bn to Italy’s balance sheet could very well be the straw that breaks the Italian camel.

The French would be on the hook for around €70bn just when they have agreed with the European Commission to “slash” spending to get within the Maastricht goal of 3 per cent, in 2017!

Imagine the German peoples wrath when they learn that Merkel defied their sacrosanct constitution; a constitution that clearly state that the German people, through its Bundestag, is the sole arbiter of any act that have fiscal implications regarding the German people. The Bundestag did not approve the €42bn of ECB programs that have funded the Greek states excessive consumption.
All this is purely theoretical. For the practical implications of the above “falling domino” chain, we go back to Carl Weinberg:

What if a downgrade of ESM paper causes a hedge fund to fail, which triggers the demise of the bank that handles its trades? The costs of fixing failed institutions will also, of course, fall on governments. The ultimate cost of Greece’s default is yet to be seen, but it is surely larger than it seems.
Contained? We think not. And neither does Varoufakis, which is why he is willing to bet the fate of the Greek people on that most critical of assumptions. The only outstanding question is what does Mario Draghi, and thus Goldman Sachs, believe, and even more importantly, whether the Greek people have enough faith in Varoufakis to pull it off…


Gold, Silver, Geoengineering & Consciousness…

Posted by islandgold @ 10:31 on July 5, 2015  

For one…  I like and encourage Silver’nGold’s material and believe it it VITAL for people to at least investigate/research it and if it doesn’t resonate with the individual as truth or one’s particular path to truth/reality and whatever that is fine… move on and find another…   But Eeos to tell one because they can’t prove one way or another something then it’s best to move one ….  REALLY …. to me that is suspect.!!

From my perspective Geoengineering/GMO’s/Vaccines/Crappy Education Systems/Fiat Currencies/Financial Manipulation/Debt/Derivatives/Corrupt Medical Systems/gold & silver price suppression……  are ALL intertwined… all heads from the same “HYDRA” …..  that seems rooted in the Banking/Military Elites and beyond….

It’s a complex puzzle… some are driven to work through it… and some are happy to just be passengers… no judgement…  but for me…  Working with these other areas along with gold and silver is an evolution of the site….  !!


“Geo-engineering Exposed”


This one’s for you SilvernGold…..  the intent, effects and countering of ‘chemtrails’ and their ‘transhuman’ agenda…

Have a great Sunday all…



ps Equistrium….  Do love horsetail …  we have used it in the past…  excellent for hair and nails!!






Or climate change by HAARP cld be a complete myth

Posted by eeos @ 8:26 on July 5, 2015  

And here you been going off on it for years and it doesn’t even exist. You can’t prove or disprove your case so you might as well just sit down. Can we just focus on what the site was built around and that is investing in gold and silver? Or do you want to keep steering us away from our primary interest? You’re suspect in my book silverngold. Don’t smoke too much of the good stuff that makes you paranoid

Posted by Maya @ 1:25 on July 5, 2015  



Equisetum @ 20:25

Posted by Maya @ 1:16 on July 5, 2015  

Those are the tallest Horsetail I have ever seen!

Just how high do those measure up from ground level?

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.