OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Portugeezer @ 5:16 on July 8, 2015

Posted by Ororeef @ 16:50 on July 8, 2015  

Continue your thought and you will realize it was the Feds intentional shrinkage of the money supply that caused the depression.

Gold was a scrapegoat.

The Fed did it so banks could foreclose on REAL ASSETS .Thats how they convert credit created out of nothing into real Assets.

The Fed are the money changers of old ..so Jesus threw them out of the Temple….! Jesus had a moral compass .

Thats why liberals hate Christians and struggled forĀ  so long to get rid of Usury LAWS that put limits on the debt that could be imposed on individuals.

They twisted the view of moral protection into one of a false discrimination argument just like Racism is used today !

No Private organization should control the money supply especially Banksters.The money supply can be calculated by a computer as a % of GNP.

We need to shrink the number of Banks by 30 % and forbid them from Stock Market just as Glass Steagle Act did.Banks need to make their money by making good loans that can be repaid.


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.