just returned from California & Texas..Heres what I saw.
California is turning into a desert..Governor Moonbeam instead of preparing for 7 years of drought by creating water storage facilities in the North where the water is or desalinating sea water has decided to get through the cycle by killing the Orange trees ,the avocado trees and beautiful farms and giving TAX CREDITS for Tearing up the Green Lawns .Yeah.. that’ll satisfy the Communists and Share the Poverty crowd also the Parasitic Government employees that keep getting raises by voting Liberal and elect Gov Moonbeam who promises more of the same.The public employee money should have gone for creating more water instead went to more parasites votes …In the end California will return to be a desert that will no longer bloom and feed everyone .The fleas will have killed the Dog ..or the Host if thats too impolite phrasing. That will be Moonbeams legacy ..but is not quite apparent yet to the voters who like Obamas and Moonbeams politics of destruction and envy that makes everybody equal because they all have nothing !I observed that the Canyons that are off limits for any use at all because of the environmentalists have become breeding grounds for RATS that have learned to climb fences and denude fruit trees at dusk and night so now with the lack of water is a tinder box for Fires again .The homes bordering these Canyons cannot remove the brush to stop the fires or kill the Rats because environmentalists say it must be left “Natural”.Any Dams that still exist must be torn down and returned to “natural” and let the fresh water run into the salty Sea.
So it seams to me Southern California will return to what it was 200 years ago …a Desert.!
Now for Texas…It started out as a Desert..but the Building boom continues .The unemployment rate very Low .The houses still water their Lush Lawns they build water Storage facilities from man made Lakes that double as recreational Facilities and there are so many large Yachts on these Large Lakes that I it looked like it had to be connected to the Ocean .Everybody has a job that wants one ,the Restaurants are full, the Airport have Storage facilities with Hugh warehouses near them of a million square feet and more because of good policies toward businesses they move there instead of away from there as happens in California .
I love California for what it was and its access to the Ocean but it seems the Future lies in Texas and its policies and not California.