OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by Buygold @ 8:39 on July 10, 2015  

No doubt all markets, especially pm’ are in the Hotel California

“you can check out any time you like but you can never leave”


Posted by Walker @ 8:24 on July 10, 2015  

I am sincerely surprised Buygold and Richard640 that you both would be surprised?

Well, enough …as always and i reiterate ….enjoy your days.

It all can not be true…..?

Posted by Walker @ 8:18 on July 10, 2015  

Absolutely delusional, Euro Gains on Greek news they will reform . They will not and have proven this over the last century.The key was: they never mentioned accountability to the past fraud………


Additionally, the euro rises against the Australian/ Canadian dollar ..out of portion to any reality. Howl at the moon….insanity. The Chinese market is hotel California “you are there to stay”….and the wagon rolls along.

It all must be the La Nino effect…smile…you may wish to understand this also….No comments on Charlie’s theory….I am really surprised.

LOL-the $’s down a 1000 bps & G is up a whole 2.40 and S a big 4 cents

Posted by Richard640 @ 8:12 on July 10, 2015  

Groundhog day

Posted by Buygold @ 8:10 on July 10, 2015  

SM futures soaring, USD down 1%

PM’s going nowhere.

It never ends.

Yup! The stock bullish “dialogue” is out in full force this morning-how “they” manage to suddenly convert the economic picture

Posted by Richard640 @ 8:00 on July 10, 2015  

from apocalyptic end-of-the-world bearish to foaming at the mouth O-so-bullish is a marvel to behold-but “they” have managed to pull it off since the early 1990s-stocks are the place to be–If I am right and stocks have bottomed, then there will be little downside for PMs–and, of course negligible upside-gold only swoons when it should soar-that is during times when confidence in the financial system is shaken.

BLOOMBERG JULY 10th=CSI 300 Index will rally 27 percent from Tuesday’s close over the next 12 months

Fidelity Investments, which oversees the largest China funds outside of the mainland, is joining Goldman Sachs Group Inc. in saying that Chinese stocks are a buy following the worst selloff in two decades.

“As far as the fundamentals are concerned, we are actually quite confident,” Robert Bao, a Hong Kong-based money manager at Fidelity, which oversees more than $2 trillion globally, said in a telephone interview. “We are fully invested.”

Goldman Sachs strategist Kinger Lau predicts that the large-cap CSI 300 Index will rally 27 percent from Tuesday’s close over the next 12 months as government support measures boost investor confidence and monetary easing spurs economic growth. Leveraged positions aren’t big enough to trigger a market collapse, Lau said.

Fidelity is echoing the bullish call from Goldman Sachs, saying the four-week rout that wiped out almost $4 trillion in market valuation has limited impact on earnings and economic growth. Government efforts to stabilize the market will keep the rout from spilling over to the broader financial system, Bao said.

The future’s so bright I need shades! I’m afraid we’re all doomed to prosperity…

Posted by Richard640 @ 7:59 on July 10, 2015  

Ignore the ‘Faint Whiff of Panic;’ Global Growth Is Accelerating
by Simon Kennedy
July 10, 2015 — 3:19 AM EDT

You wouldn’t know it given the noise from China and Greece, but the world economy is picking up steam.

Morgan Stanley predicted on Thursday global expansion of almost 4 percent in the second half of this year, up from 2.9 percent in the first six months.

The firm says monetary stimulus is taking hold and will even be extended by 18 central banks this year, enough reason for optimism despite it also forecasting a protracted slowdown in China and 75 percent risk of Greece leaving the euro.

“The strength of domestic demand in developed economies will be the key engine of growth,” Chetan Ahya and Elga Bartsch, Morgan Stanley’s co-chief economists, told clients. “We expect the global economy to continue on the path of gradual recovery.”


The path to prosperity is paved with fiscal profligacy

The path to poverty is paved with fiscal rectitude


Hey Maya, isn’t there a pic of Obama in front of Reggie wearing that Confederate material?

Posted by macroman3 @ 1:43 on July 10, 2015  

I’m sorry Mr. President, you’re going to have to remove that fag innuendo. (Please let scruffy see this before it gets nuked).

I couldn’t help when I saw Queen fronting Joe in my first vid…

I had a great XMas vacay until I heard Joe passed away…again I had a chance to see him and passed. So did he.

Posted by macroman3 @ 1:31 on July 10, 2015  

So tonight’s last DJmm tribute to lowly tent dwellers goes to a Mad dog and Englishman, courtesy of the City of London Banksters…


Sorry, Ladies… You’ll have to remove that flag!

Posted by Maya @ 1:07 on July 10, 2015  



Of course one would be negligent to forget the other riff raff in the other corner of the tent…

Posted by macroman3 @ 0:59 on July 10, 2015  

1. MadMike actually put Baileys in the morning coffee

2. winedoc ate kraft dinner and drank apple juice

3. portugeezer accepted Drachmas at his dacha

4. frr brought his date Angela to Athens

5. goldie cut her lox

6. commish took a bribe to stop the media attacks

7. moggy’s cat got innoculated

8. Deadeye missed

9. The witch and the frog kissed

10. Silver went up.


10 very strange flaps happened around the Oasis….

Posted by macroman3 @ 0:27 on July 10, 2015  

1. SnG refuted Chemtrails

2. Margaret showed up

3. Scruffy voted for Oman

4. Maya’s trains ran on time

5. ipso put a second floor on the cardboard box behind the Quickee Mart. (say, what happens behind behind the Quickee Mart?)

6.BG made money on Kindog

7.RNO had no RPW tornadoes

8. Flag hit one OB

9.wanks allowed a color fellow over his lawn

10. Gold went up

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.