The Euro 19 only need to grab the Greek real assets, which they haven’t yet. Some ports, some Islands, some shippers and some native olive oil and, of course a vibrant tourism.
This real and Horror Show is just the deluge the global monetary reformists are steering us all into
– ARMAGEDDON! Forget about what the FOMC Yellin is uttering today, as Dragi the ECB-icicle , nor the immaculate Christine La Garde that Greece will be saved from “Grexit”, while the Troika will be stealing the rest of real Greek assets, on top of it will also receive interest on Greek bonds, never paid for in reality and will devour any signs of life as Long as the West is smitten by snake oil sellers, the former algorythm wizards of debauchery – and this includes THE and a few more governments.
In the end it will be seen as a huge waste of Genius and ingenuity … if we’ll get there …frr