Hot money has been flowing into China Yuan appears to be topping and coupled with China Stock Market Peaks seems to confirm a Yuan TOP ..
Takin together with Lows in $Gold The Seasonal Gold seems to be in REVERSE Mode where Prices of a Stock or Commodity get into a Reversal Year where former Tops are made in the Same months as LOWS instead of Tops .Therefore As the BAR charts show Gold Bottom this year should be in August ! (Reversal Years happen usually after 4 normal years when extreme peaks are put in,but the turn Months remain the Same!) I believe Gold is in a REVERSAL YEAR so the Bottom should be in August …Why use China Currency ..thats where the action has been and trillions have been flowing there including $ ..China is the KEY to US Gold and they have been buyers of Gold all along..with their incredable cash FLow .Now cash is turning and looking for a safe haven AND nothing is cheaper than Gold ,certainly no commodities that have all made tops earlier and are falling.witness OIL,Copper Iron Ore etc The exception is GOLD….It cannot escape Chines eyes that are looking for a refuge ….!