Patriotic? No! Survival and higher living standards yes. Avoid letting big global business get their way and avoid being screwed by them. They run our gov’t. Unfortunately.
The way I see it, consuming high quality cheaper imports, is like doing illegal drugs like heroin or cocaine, that makes the victim feel good, for years, but after about 40 years of a bad habit, it takes its toll in various ways, and practically impossible to quit. (like imports)
Another view is the imports are like rat poison. The unwitting US citizen, or rat, eats the bait and dies later. Like the summer ’08 meltdown. Exporting more and importing less, leads to prosperity in the net exporting country, like China, japan et al, and RUINS the net importing country like the USA.
When I first got out of high school in ’62, I worked for only two years in a union defense plant, Republic Aviation on the F-105. The second two years I worked for Grumman Aircraft on the Lunar Excursion Module.
In the Union place it was last hired first fired. In the NON union place, the supervisor lays off whoever he feels like. Politics. The two bosses I had liked me. I used to change their spark plugs. If they needed one guy on a Sunday, they always offered it to me.
Turns out, they had to lay off 5% once. They laid off older guys with 17 years on the job, and kept me on with only two years. It turned me right off right away. I knew that day, this place was not my “home”. I would end up in a different dept. eventually, with new bosses, and I could get canned.
Soon after that I quit for a higher paying job close to home. Never in a union after that. Factories, job shops, survival of the fittest. You don’t produce, come in late, or take too long on a job, or screw up a job and you get fired.
You have get up the nerve and ask for each raise. After 1975, I went to self employment. Freelance. No sick days, no holidays, no free medical ins etc. And you wait 30-60- and 90 days to get paid. Two times, the company went bankrupt and I lost what they owed me.
If I had my life to do over? I would take a union civil service gov’t job, union utility worker, union rail road worker etc. I wasted my life starting out in manufacturing in 1962. It NEVER entered my mind that by 1975 the gov’t I paid taxes to would bad mouth manufacturing and off shore manufacturing work.
Back in ’75, TPTB’s media started saying things like…
“High wages are causing inflation”
“We don’t want the smoke stack”
“We don’t need the rust belt”
“The consumer will get cheaper higher quality imported products”
“We are going the be a service economy”
“We don’t want those dirty menial jobs”
“The union United Auto workers make too much money and are ruining the country”
But they PAY taxes and give us cars. There was no bashing of unionized civil service tax absorbing jobs.
Me, and George Carlin tried spreading the word, but it did no good at all.