says the news from Greece is China has Stopped buying Gold ..Its officially denied ! “They are NOT buying Gold ” thats the best news yet !
Why would they say THAT ? Its getting harder to buy and they dont want or need to start a Gold RUSH !
Jim Rickards sez we been helping China accumulate Gold at low prices ..I say he is right check it out !
I think that if China did get all the GOLD it needed to get there GDP RATIO up to western levels thats even better news .
It means there is no longer any reason for the US to Hold it down ..everybody has the right balance …
If China used the News Media to made a public Statement and it was designed to tell their comrades they have filled their quota ..YEE HAA
They cant be accused of conspiring among themselves (US & China and the West) to set Gold Prices since it was a PUBLIC STATEMENT …in Europe & US NEWS media ..The Cat is out of the BAG ! Chinas need for Cheap Gold to meet the agreements has been met….
No more need to hold it DOWN…….THATS why Chinas Statement is so important everybodys Government will profit equally by a RISE in Gold Price according to their GDP ..same % for each ….ITS A DONE DEAL !
I think I got the SCOOP on it !