The gubberment created this MESS they didn’t need to drive Gold down just to help the Chinese buy cheaply..That created a terrible Risk of DEFLATION .AS most know collapsing Gold means depression, deflation ,They should have left it alone for the Chinese to get their Gold at the best available price quietly and not interfered ..NOW they find themselves with a depression problem ..worldwide…They should have done NOTHING and not interfered with Market forces,those idiots . They are pushing on a string. Its going to be a big problem creating “MILD” inflation…Yes they can print and all that does is raise FOOD prices because people have to have food while those on Food Stamps become the chosen ones..They didn’t want to wait to create their One World Government with China ..they wanted it NOW !
It didnt work in China and its not working here either.China has whole Cities empty because they created Expensive Housing before incomes had a chance to rise.WE have the same problem Expensive Housing with stagnant incomes.and Rising FOOD prices ….
Every country wants to DEvalue ! The US will need to do it too ..against what ? Its a RACE to the bottom for currencies or default on your debt ! ..Greece is not alone ! The Governments connived to do it together so,politicians could say we all did it,not just me !
Thats a conspiracy .. to get acceptance from the Citizens for more Central Planning straight out of Marx Communist Manifesto .
Its a TALKERS dream ….SCARE’um and SAVE ‘UM that’ s How its done !
1. Its what Doctors do ..”you might have Cancer” but give me and the Drug industry your money and we’ll save you !
2.Preachers will tell you “your going to HELL “”but give me your money and you can be saved” “A Donation”
3.Politicians the world is coming to an end” but vote for me and Ill see that “you ” are excepted” No end for you if you vote for me.”Donations Accepted”.
Expect more Easing from the Fed down to Negative rates ..Raising rates is a dream ! It aint gonna happen and if it does it just proves how Crazy with Power they Really are , a God Complex.They have no room to cut rates except from minus 1% to minus 2 or more…
Give us your cash and we’ll give you less purchasing power back for every Dollar you give us.But we will Save you from yourself…..(save um)
Gee Thanks..
If you dont we’ll outlaw cash !(scare um)
Why is CASH KING ..Its because your in a depression ..thats why !
All created by the FED ,and Central Planning.Thanks MARX …(Karl),…….Groucho would have done Better !