“at least it fits the facts as we can see them”….Oh please never use those words here. So many have shared reality in the past!!!
Here we all are in wonder..hum ..WTF ..THEY are finally in the last steps of control.
A decade ago ..we shared..WTC7 , pentagon facts..all the old and not mentioned reality..We later allowed our system to killed millions of desert oil owners peoples..( I treat this will complete respect to all those killed ). Religion /freedom ..please… it is call energy..we have exploited them for a century or more read the facts.. Belfour diplomacy/ decoration/ SELL OUT/ hum central banking/ they control money /fed/ income tax/Dec 24/1913..WW1 starts months later..for those knowledgeable ..another story,.. hum ..at least you can still read the real facts…read them soon!!!
I think ..hum?? Can I make a few bucks on the closing window bets of your last free years !!! ..you have missed the train, ship airplane truth to the coming future.