climate engineering
economic destruction
moral degeneration
political corruption
police state
media propaganda
educational indoctrination
constant surveilance
and the list goes on. soon there will be no place to hide. soon our lives wont be worth a plug nickle. Witness the coverup and lack of outrage over the sale of baby bodyparts. Remember when they said it was just a lump of cells, now they tell the butchers not to damage the valuable body parts when doing the abortion. When I see the changes that have happened over the last fifty years, I am shocked. The hard truth is they want us all sick or dead. I recently read that in Holland old people are afraid to go to the hospital for fear of being offed with a needle. We are ruled by megalomaniacs and their Godless followers who see the rest of us as cattle. The problems keep growing, but there are no solutions forthcoming. I know first hand that I am not popular with the PC crowd, but it is what it is. Maybe when things get a lot worse, then maybe change will come. But will it be too late?