Let em have it. JMO
East Ukraine’s Donetsk Republic Will Hold Referendum To Join Russia
Tyler Durden’s pictureSubmitted by Tyler Durden on 08/19/2015 15:29 -0400
Following the 2014 Crimean referendum which saw the Black Sea peninsula join Russia shortly after the Ukraine presidential coup and ensuing territorial conflict between pro-Kiev and pro-Moscow regions, many speculated it is only a matter of time before the Donetsk region, subsequently elevated into People’s Republic status, which has been engaged in constant warfare with the Kiev army (which is in such bad shape it recently drafted a disabled man without arms) would follow suit.
We now have the answer.
Having waited for over a year for the Ukraine civil war/conflict to be relegated to back page status, if that, Putin has finally given the green light, and as Xinhua reports, leaders of the self-proclaimed “Donetsk People’s Republic” are planning to hold a referendum on seceding from Ukraine and joining Russia, the Donetsk-based Ostrov news agency reported Wednesday.
The referendum is scheduled to take place some in early to mid November, or specifically two to four weeks after the Oct. 18 local elections, said the news agency.
The ballot papers for the referendum designed in the colors of the Russian flag have already been printed, it said.
And while neither the rebel leadership nor the Ukrainian authorities have commented on the report yet, the modus operandi is strikingly familiar to what happened in Crimea.
Should Donetsk indeed proceed with a popular secession vote, the result is virtually assured but the bigger question is just how would Europe react considering this would result in another territorial expansion of Russia which would be accused of annexing a region that Kiev has largely given up even pretending it has control over.
In July, leaders of pro-independence insurgents in Donetsk region said they would hold local elections on Oct. 18 without Kiev’s supervision as they believed that the Ukrainian government has not fulfilled its obligations under the Minsk peace agreement.
Last week, violence in eastern Ukraine has sharply escalated after several weeks of relative calmness. On Sunday night, at least 11 people, including nine civilians, were reportedly killed in Donetsk region, marking the worst casualties in the conflict since early June.
Then again, after the recent referendum farce in Greece in which a substantial majority of the population voted for one thing just to get the opposite, maybe history is about to rhyme a few hundred kilometers northeast of Athens.
One helluva good day considering
Oil was down 5% and about to break $40 and the SM got pretty much pasted.
FWIW, I think the SM is screwed no matter what the Fed does, raise rates or more QE.
was a dry run to test reaction in the Markets ,so the moneychangers can do a test on the how much they can expect to bring in ..
The whole thing will happen when they can corall the Greatest number of suckers. They need to know much bait to put on the hook ..big bait for big fish…
Some news event prior will be placed at the right time to maintain confidence just before the big Bankster BANG !
Maybe they’ll just say don’t worry its just another LEAK ..no big deal !
is the Shorts bell Ringer ..She will ring the Bell to start the crash ….Right in Public for all to see,so no one can say conspiracy… My best guess is Sept 15
…There is NO REASON except the FEDS LAME explanation that the Fed needs room to cut Rates when needed…WHAT ….! First you cause a crash them you want to take credit for DOING SOMETHING about it ..! Try un-ringing the BELL !
I did. Those ones are OK.
did you open the link above the pic?
No Buicks for me either.
That pic wasn’t of Hitlery, it was Chelsea.
Buicks…I wouldn’t buy one no matter where it was made, nothing but junk.
Bitcoin Battered After “Governance Coup”
Naysyers are warning that the recent plunge in Bitcoin prices – from almost $318 at its peak during the Greek crisis, to $221 yesterday – is due to growing power struggle over the future of the cryptocurrency that is dividing its lead developers. On Saturday, a rival version of the current software was released by two bitcoin big guns. As Reuters reports, Bitcoin XT would increase the block size to 8 megabytes enabling more transactions to be processed every second. Those who oppose Bitcoin XT say the bigger block size jeopardizes the vision of a decentralized payments system that bitcoin is built on with some believing the split could spell the end of bitcoin. However, the turmoil in the price also coincides with some rather notable global macro events from Asia (where Bitcoin is extremely popular).
more http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-08-19/bitcoin-battered-after-governance-coup
chat over tuh ZH=The rails are so close to coming off the tracks in my opinion
Takeaction2’s picture
The rails are so close to coming off the tracks in my opinion. I am buying every day…..I have a $30K credit card zero interest for 18 months….may have to roll the dice too. You ever watch that fucking channel “MSNBC” they had a phsychologist on last night saying that the republican party is putting thoughts in our heads that are fantasy, and we are excepting them. They were explaining how Trumps campaign is just opening up fantasy dreams in peoples heads…..then they were talking about Hillary and the emails…trying to say that Collin Powell and all of the rest in the past have always done this…trying to just play down that this is a republican attack. My neighbor always has this channel blasting on a big screen in his garage…I had to see it. Chris Mathews…what a fucking clown. Then you jump to Fox…..they are now the Trump station. This is going to get real good. Then we have September almost upon us….is IT going to happen? I don’t know what the fuck “IT” is …but is it?
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Wed, 08/19/2015 – 11:05 | 6443677J Jason Djfmam
J Jason Djfmam’s picture
There is not one day that “IT” is going to happen.
“IT” has been happening for some time now.
Some are accepting this and prepping to deal with it.
Most are sitting around still waiting for “IT” to happen.
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Wed, 08/19/2015 – 11:44 | 6443841KnuckleDragger-X
KnuckleDragger-X’s picture
I’m as ready as I can get. Now I just enjoy the world before somebody sets a match to it all. Everything that is happening and is going to happen could of been prevented a long time ago, but greed rules and bending reality to your will is much easier when you control the hammer and anvil that the system has become……
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Wed, 08/19/2015 – 12:19 | 6443990Uchtdorf
Uchtdorf’s picture
Food, my friends, food. Stack some more food.
Bill of Rights
Bill of Rights’s picture
Longs are getting creamed today, they were looking for the FED happy happy joy joy minutes, which are meaningless drivel as of the last 7 years.
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Wed, 08/19/2015 – 10:51 | 6443609Dubaibanker
Dubaibanker’s picture
And then the sharks circled and went for the kill….
soros buys peabody
Ororeef @ 11:09
GM probably a good short!
It’s a bullish change of pace that gold is up–[but corralled]–with stocks down and cride down 1.83
That’s a no-no cause….gold is NOT supposed to be a safe haven….
daily silver chart
a very nice inverted head and shoulders beginning just after the summer solstice. nearing completion, a close over 15.65/15.70 area might strike a spark.
Fusion power could be here in less than a decade: MIT reveals small ‘Iron Man’ reactor it claims could create limitless amounts of energy
The ARC planned reactor will be tokamak – or donut-shaped – system
It could generate the same amount of energy as much larger designs
It will used superconductors made of rare-earth barium copper oxide
The stronger magnetic fields generated are able to better contain plasma, allowing the reactor to be smaller, cheaper and quicker to build
Andy Hoffman
Which brings me to the last – and for Miles Franklin Blog readers, most important – topic du jour. Which is, the upcoming Precious Metal shortage that with each passing day, draws nearer; particularly in the far tighter silver market, so much so that I felt compelled to publish a special “silver supplement” last week, titled – in the words of Miles Franklin’s President, Andy Schectman – “supply is at a 1.5 or 2.0 out of ten” – and one of the potentially last great silver opportunities.”
Well, since published, demand has tightened further – starting with the U.S. Mint itself, which not only sold nearly a million silver Eagles yesterday alone, but is on a pace for August to be its best August ever; following its best July ever; and, assuming supply doesn’t run out, what will clearly be its best year ever. In fact, regarding said “last great silver opportunity,” I personally purchased one of the last lots of available Great Horned Owls from the Royal Canadian Mint’s last “Birds of Prey” series – at which point, I was informed that shortly, nearly all distributors will be forced to suspend silver Maples sales indefinitely, due to soaring demand. This is exactly what I suggested was coming in the aforementioned article. Not to mention, what I have screamed all along about “junk silver” – i.e., the “ultimate fear asset” – which fellow bullion dealer Steve Quayle loudly validated this morning.
No matter where one looks, Precious Metal demand is exploding; inventories are vanishing; and the production outlook is historically horrible. And nowhere more so than silver, given that roughly half of all global production is the byproduct of copper, zinc, and lead mines; which, given the historic base metal price collapse that is only just starting, may well cause the conclusion of last year’s “Miles Franklin Silver All-Star Webinar Panel” – i.e, that silver production could fall up to 50% in the coming years – to approach reality.