Takeaction2’s picture
The rails are so close to coming off the tracks in my opinion. I am buying every day…..I have a $30K credit card zero interest for 18 months….may have to roll the dice too. You ever watch that fucking channel “MSNBC” they had a phsychologist on last night saying that the republican party is putting thoughts in our heads that are fantasy, and we are excepting them. They were explaining how Trumps campaign is just opening up fantasy dreams in peoples heads…..then they were talking about Hillary and the emails…trying to say that Collin Powell and all of the rest in the past have always done this…trying to just play down that this is a republican attack. My neighbor always has this channel blasting on a big screen in his garage…I had to see it. Chris Mathews…what a fucking clown. Then you jump to Fox…..they are now the Trump station. This is going to get real good. Then we have September almost upon us….is IT going to happen? I don’t know what the fuck “IT” is …but is it?
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Wed, 08/19/2015 – 11:05 | 6443677J Jason Djfmam
J Jason Djfmam’s picture
There is not one day that “IT” is going to happen.
“IT” has been happening for some time now.
Some are accepting this and prepping to deal with it.
Most are sitting around still waiting for “IT” to happen.
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Wed, 08/19/2015 – 11:44 | 6443841KnuckleDragger-X
KnuckleDragger-X’s picture
I’m as ready as I can get. Now I just enjoy the world before somebody sets a match to it all. Everything that is happening and is going to happen could of been prevented a long time ago, but greed rules and bending reality to your will is much easier when you control the hammer and anvil that the system has become……
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Wed, 08/19/2015 – 12:19 | 6443990Uchtdorf
Uchtdorf’s picture
Food, my friends, food. Stack some more food.
Bill of Rights
Bill of Rights’s picture
Longs are getting creamed today, they were looking for the FED happy happy joy joy minutes, which are meaningless drivel as of the last 7 years.
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Wed, 08/19/2015 – 10:51 | 6443609Dubaibanker
Dubaibanker’s picture
And then the sharks circled and went for the kill….
soros buys peabody