I liked her statement, if you are offered something of value for nothing you had better take a very close and careful look, or words to that effect.
Big Brother is definitely watching, and with Windows 10 they can even watch you kiss your wife, walk out the door, watch every trade you make, every email you send or receive, etc etc.
On the subject of gold and silver, thoughts that constantly go through my head are that both gold and silver have been recognized as a store of value for thousands of years, but fiat currencies have only been around for a few hundred years and worth less and less all the time. The US Dollar has depreciated in value about 98% over the past 100 or so years but an ounce of gold is still an ounce of gold and based on history it will always have value, where the US Dollar has become almost worthless. Last time I bought phyz, a few weeks ago, I exchanged a stack of fiat $100 bills that I believe weighed about as much as that ounce of gold.
There are other things a person can invest in but are they really yours?? Take real estate for example. If you do not pay your real estate tax, who then owns your property??? So in actual fact we are all only renting our real estate, even though we bought it, and at any time the government can raise taxes to the point where we can no longer afford to pay them, and then out we go. Also laws have already been made in some areas where people have been kicked off their own property because they have gone off the grid, or been fined for growing a garden in their own yard, or any number of reasons the government dreams up.
So as far as I can see, gold and silver are about the only things that are not a liability; they are only an asset, and in a year, 10 years or 1000 years they will still hold their value, while fiat currencies will become worth less and less until they are totally worthless!! And don’t get me started on digital currencies. Convenient?? Yes!! We’ve all been lead into the same credit/debit card game and in many cases cash is no longer accepted…..but digital currencies will be the final death trap to shear the sheeple!! IMO!!! All The Best to All………………….Silverngold