Prices, that doesn’t surprise me and Pharmas to the same. I was surprised at your wait time link. 20 minutes. My grandson had to wait 3 hours as so many immigrants come in and that’s best time, could be worse. If I wasn’t stuck at work I probably could of cleaned and closed it without sutures. Luckily it didn’t land on his toes wearing sandals, it probably would have crushed them. I just warned the dad because he’s a busy baby and tries to imitate work its the things you don’t think of you have to worry about too just days before. He didn’t think he could move it. He’ll be alright.
Yeah don’t over do it and get some rest. We’re in hurricane season as you know. Hope you have 02 containers handy if you use a concentrator.
GS, we’ll have to see if continues to decouple or follows the Dow if it recovers. It seemed to hold through this recient sell off of Dow that hit the low 15s this morning but critical bullish support was just below that and seemed to fight its way back up. Armstrong playing with higher targets gave no low and that could hurt people. Guess he’s being Dow bias. A further take down might cause a sell off to even gold if the dollar rises maybe or treasuries in reaction. Just something to keep a eye on in case it does.