I remember in the 90 s they were really pushing the GMOs claiming how it could increase food production. Since when did we have a problem increasing food production?
Through the years theyve had a lot of fads enriching Pharmas that turned out bad. The latest was OxyContin. Pharma’s as usual paid for advertising it was safe and non addictive. Since when would it not be non addictive and where were some Doctors common sense on that one since it was a Opiate to go along with that one. Maybe for short term that’s it, No we have a epidemic of drug addicted mostly white young formerly middle class addicted to it from a prescription they received for too long. some turned to heroin to prevent withdrawals. There was even commercials they were safe and non addictive. A new breakthrough in pain Meds come get it. Such BS In the meantime the drug companies went from making millions to multi billions on the drug while they destroyed lives with their outright lies to do it.
One back in the 70s Doctors passed out to pregnant woman for morning sickness and even had them in baskets they could grab that they found after cause birth defects. I remember a fellow student nurse originally from Hawaii big Island at the time telling me she was given a baby from Hawaii whos mom took the drugs and the baby had no arms or legs, she said she cried for a hour.
Now we got them mandating vaccines claiming their safe when millions are being doled out globally for killing or damaging infants children and adults. They stand to make multi billions off the mandates so what’s a few million here and there. That’s their real acceptable risk. When it comes to children there is no acceptable risk.