Dow is down again ,yet the Fed threatens to raise RATES because employment looks good …WHAT what Planet do they live on ?
The one area that doing ok is Homebuilding and that is ONLY because its coming OFF of A CRASH because of MORTGAGE Collapse ..Engineered by GUBBERMENT FINANCE manipulation trying to give people Homes they couldent possibly keep & Maintain so Politicians could BUY VOTES ..
NOW the FED points to that “SUCCESS” story of Homebuilding to RAISE RATES and KILL that INFANT before its sees any sunshine !
RAISE RATES ? for WHO ? the FINANCIAL INDUSTRY that creates nothing ,feeds nobody,sucks the life blood out of everything like a PARASITE !
FLEAS on a DOG. Shut down half the BANKS for a START, and stop the blood suckers from draining life from the economy .Take out HOUSING and then recalculate the JOBS and see what you get …nothing but low pay service jobs and much lower average WAGES ..Then take another look at “RAISING RATES” without HOUSING and that idea will disappear ..! They will KILL the HOUSING and better paying jobs just as its being “BORN AGAIN”…I dont think we can start recovery until DOW is at 7000 and the FINANCIALS become the DOGS of the DOW again ….Then the REST of the economy can compete on an EQUAL footing….It aint over till its over ! For ME more job investing ,no more creating wealth and taxable assets NO more building anything .. I shall invest in Stocks only to suck the blood out of them .I built a lot and Im going to consume a lot ..let those that never built anything figure out what to do ..Im done building…I was very good at what I did then ,and Ill be very good at what I do NOW …I got rid of ALL the PARASITES …thats where it starts and ends.I have many friends that left the COUNTRY in the last two years with their money because of the same experience’s I had .Some asked me “would you ever go back into manufacturing” ,I said NO and that convinced them they were doing the right thing .