DATA: SEPT. 13, 2015 @ 2:42 A.M. – Washington, D.C.
The position of an eclipse by HOUSE will indicate an area of life which is about to be highlighted. Issues surrounding the house and any planets involved will certainly come to the forefront as crisis situations. Not all crises are bad; all the word crisis means is that the issues will be emphasized and the people of the country will need to spend some time working on them.
This Solar Eclipse falls into the 3rd house in the sign Virgo, associated with harvests, crops, food supply, natural resources, environmental factors, and public health. It is ruled by the planet Mercury whose energy as the ruler of Virgo emphasizes purity, practicality, detailed analysis, and the need for critical faculties.
An Earth-sign eclipse may signify recessions, financial problems, trade and agricultural disturbances, drought, scarcity, famine, crops or fruits of the earth threatened, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or avalanches. A 3rd house eclipse attracts events related to communications, transportation, immediate environment, and neighboring countries. The influences of this eclipse may be felt a week prior to its occurrence.
The Eclipse is sextile 5th house Saturn in Scorpio (a turn toward duty and obligation), trine 6th house retrograde Pluto in Capricorn (an effective time to simplify life and get rid of what is superfluous), and inconjunct both 10th house retrograde Uranus in Aries (upsetting challenges for the administration requiring changes because of circumstances not fully considered) and inconjunct the MC [Midheaven] (a failed attempt to pull the country out from under its dive into the abyss.
Other aspects of note:
Third house Mercury in Libra in opposition to 10th house retrograde Uranus in Aries causes a tendency of the administration to jump to conclusions without examining all the facts. What the country will encounter is an impatient president and staff unable to carry out any disciplined mental work at a time of crisis.
Second house Jupiter in Virgo in opposition to 8th house retrograde Neptune in Pisces…here we have the money houses and conditions that aren’t what they seem to be; investments are endangered and folks need to pay heed to this warning sign if they don’t want to be fleeced. This is a time of financial delusion.
Last but not least is 2nd house Mars in Leo square 5th house Saturn in Scorpio…here we have the financial state of the nation and its purchasing power at war with the stock market (investments and speculation). A frustrating time for all concerned with their futures as they are blocked in getting ahead and find it is impossible to take action.