by David Bryan
“It Can Be No Other Way
By backing their productivity with artificial money, people have been tricked into giving banks a counter party claim to their wealth. The assets used or owned by their forefathers are now incorporated within vast corporations or pledged as debt in exchange for central banker’s script.
Einstein was the greatest mind of this century and when he states the formula for reality we should pay full attention to what he says. Beliefs spun into economic or social systems do not improve the economy or add to the social health of a nation.
Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is Physics.” Einstein
There are two types of money, real money that can be explained in terms of physics and ensures the economic health of a nation and there is belief money where, regardless of immense propaganda, the banks that issue this money have a counter party claim to the nations wealth. The use of artificial money empowers the central bank and destroys the economic health of a nation.
Money is defined as any good that is widely accepted in exchange for goods and services as well as payment of a debt. The functions of money are: 1/ A unit of account to measure the relative worth of goods and services;2/ A medium of exchange; 3/ A store of value. Read more