MarilynB from Virginia is a longstanding Hat Trick Letter client. Without prompt, she volunteered some information. She wrote, “By the way, even though I was no longer an air traffic controller (ATC) when 911 happened, I had numerous good friends who were still ATC during the event. Right after 911, the NSA and CIA went to all the facilities and questioned every controller in private about what they knew. They were all ordered to keep their mouths shut and were forced to sign oaths of allegiance. They pledged never to talk about what they saw on 911 even amongst themselves. They also pledged to snitch on any other controller who dared to speak of 911. They were all legally gagged to the max. Most of them were terribly distraught and scared to death by the NSA/CIA threats. One very good friend had a nervous breakdown over the oath. She was afraid they would send her to a foreign prison and that she would never see her family again. Be sure to know, even back in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, they had the ability to fly air carriers remotely, including takeoff and landing. The technology used on 911 has been around for many years. I have seen it work. Lastly, it is absolutely inconceivable that the military did not scramble on four supposedly high-jacked civilian airliner jets unless they were ordered to stand down.”
Compare and contrast to another detailed email exchange back in 2005 with a Hat Trick Letter client. It confirmed the aforementioned story. The client also had Air Traffic Controller contact information of a delicate nature. The story also was disturbing, but confirmed suspicions of an inside job. The client had a best friend who was a WashingtonDC air traffic controller during all of year 2001. A group of four women gathered for a dinner in the summer of 2005, all college chums, a little reunion that was ruined. The ATC friend had talked among her friends about how the USAir Force shot down the commercial flight over Shanksville PA. Later she was approached by the USGovt goons. She vomited on the day of having to sign the oath. She had signed the day before their dinner gathering when they came to her office. She was still very upset by the intimidating meeting. Her friends knew she was deeply distraught, so they followed her into the lady’s room. They saw her vomit a second time. She told her friends of the pressure to sign the oath, with full consequences. The rest of the evening was centered on the visit, the oath, the threats. The story was later related to the Jackass.
After the client told me the details of the evening, an opportunity was given to probe. My question was about the consequence in detail if she blabbed or went to the press. It is extreme. The whistle blower would suffer lost job, lost pension, lost health care, lost passport, go on the No Fly List, and never to be employed in the US again. In addition, they could put the person in prison for treason, if they so decided. That is truly ugly, and a wicked testimony to the fascist state the US has become. The naive sheep among us actually wonder why, if it really was an inside job, people do not come forward and speak from the stump. Because they are jailed and killed and threatened and disenfranchised, that is why. The targets are for prevention of disclosure in the mainstream, not the alternative media like internet journals. We net gurus in the alternative press are supposedly the kooks. Ok, except we have the data, the evidence, the logic, and the forensic conclusions on our side. Call me a Truther.