and what I think we have here is complex.
I do think the Donald is aligned with the tax man. He won’t mention a thing about the Federal Reserve either, so he wants more of the same.
He likes the idea of taxes, doesn’t mention much about our debt. He says he’s going to bring home $2.5T of the USA’s money. Hmmmm…okay I’ll believe it when I see it.
He says he wants to build the wall across Mexico. Who’s going to protect it, even if it could be built?
He says he loves NBC, well Donald this is a group of clowns and thieves and GE is the parent company. GE is right up there with JPMoron in my book. Evil do’ers no doubt.
I do love his general style and it’s going to force the mumbling politicians to retool their game in the future. It’s hard to know who he serves and why