Should a President be a “religious”man ? …God help us ! The MID EAST is FULL of them ! The Catholic Church used to burn people at the Stake(Bruno) throw people in dungeons for saying the World was Round ,put them Jail for saying the Earth is not the Center of the Universe Galileo and Copernicus ..Ya still think a religious man should be President ? The POPE is coming soon to tell his message of Why the world should adopt Obamas thesis of Global Heating caused by Carbon Fuels and WE should adopt CARBON TAX to be distributed by The United Nations with his Blessing ….Y a really want the CHURCH to help elect a President with a record like theirs ? REALLY ? Dis ya see the Trump rally in New England when a woman asked him what he thought of the POPES visit ,….The Donald suspected a loaded question but asked “Do you know the POPES coming to promote his Global Warming theory ” ,but quickly added suspecting a Catholic defensive posture was coming from the Woman added ,BUT he’s a very nice man..not wanting to alienate Catholics unnecessarily ..a very astute comment then moved on to another question very skillfully.The POPE has an interest in the Re-distribution of wealth just like the communists do ,each for their own reasons.Its still a bad idea at this time !
Ya still think we need to mix religion and Politics ?
Do ya think a Medical Doctor is a good choice …Rand Paul is a good man ,he does eye surgery for poor people for free to prevent blindness . DR Ben Carson is a good man he’s a great surgeon and a Religious man all rolled into one .
Does that make them good candidates for a President ? They are good human beings ..thats a start ..but WHAT are we LOOKING FOR ? What characteristics are we looking for ?
1.There should be no doubt who is in charge ..good examples Eisenhower ,first he saved the world ,kept a joint effort going (allies)among egocentric Generals got them to work together until the job was done successfully. 2.Reagan ..again no doubt who was in charge but unlike Eisenhower did not directly get his hands into every detail ,but was a very successful delegater and made those accountable to him ,then he was a tough negotiator as Screen actors Guild union president,dealing with the Studio Heads .then as a negotiator with Gorbachev and other Russians getting their RESPECT and admiration getting them to reduce nuclear weapons and end the Cold War.
So a President should have a history of making sure everybody knows who is in charge ,and then being a successful negotiator ..
Then some bad examples of a President ..Jimmy Carter micro managed and got his hand into everything ,was a poor delegate r and awfull negotiator with the Iranians ..but was a “good man” he tried to do good .
Obama ..he couldn’t manage anything himself,didn’t know how to delegate and hold his appointees accountable ,then made a fool of himself as a negotiator to the point of being an embarrassment.
So how did the bad ones get elected ? They ran “popularity “contests like high School cheerleaders.
How did the GOOD ones get elected ? by fixing problems like WARS exiting them and then preventing more wars and not running “popularity “contests .Churchill got elected to save Britain ,he did it,then they fired him….the people wanted to “PARTY “again…
So whats needed now ! a good man like Carter ,DR Rand Paul,Dr Ben Carson ? a Religeous man like Carson,Huckabee & CRUZ ?
3 All the State Governors ran GOOD STATE s fixed budget problems increased employment and undid years liberal mis management. But can they win Federal elections ? against the big spenders by promising LESS?
I dont think so !
SO He must be a take charge,he must be a good negotiator,he must engender Respect ,he must be a good Delegate r and hold them accountable he must have a successful past.He must be a good Manager of People.
thanks for the Indulgence ,now maybe we can get back to Getting the Gold Price up !