DATA: September 23, 2015 @ 4:22 A.M. – Washington, DC
The chart cast for the Vernal (Spring) Equinox always bears chief rule for the ensuing year; succeeding ingresses are subsidiary to the first-named. From the chart of the Vernal Equinox of March 2015, we found the focal point to be crises in the areas of employment, labor relations, police, firefighters, military, utilities, public health and the working class in general.
The following interpretation is for the Autumn Equinox chart cast for Washington, D.C., for 2015 depicting situations to be faced by the population of the USA during the course of the next few months.
Leo Rises conjoined the Fixed Star Regulus, known as the archangel Raphael, one of the four horsement of the apocalypse. On the fixed cross, Regulus is one of the four cherubim represented on tarot cards. These cherubim are symbolized by the Bull (Taurus-Aldebaran), Lion (Leo-Regulus), Eagle (Scorpio-Antares) and Human (Aquarius-Formalhaut).
On the positive side it is a portent of glory, riches and power to all born under its influence (Donald Trump was born with 28* Leo Rising). On the negative side Regulus is associated with downfall.
Leo is the sign that appears on the 5th house of a natural chart, ruling children, public education, the stock market and pleasurable pursuits. All these matters are at risk during the next three months. I would note the many instances in recent news stories involving the country’s children with school threats and lockdowns across America. Retrograde Pluto posited in the 5th house of this chart square retrograde Mercury (children) is a warning to all parents that their children need to be safe-guarded against so-called authority figures.
Conjoined the ASCendant is Mars in Leo at a degree of crisis and in the Aries decanate of the sign, in square to 4th house Saturn…forceful self-expression by the people in a state of frustration and fear. This may relate to 9th house matters (immigration, religious expression, the courts) as Mars-ruled Aries is on the 9th house cusp.
The Sun, for whom the chart is cast, resides in the 2nd house of the financial state of the union and its purchasing power…conjoined the North Node…a fated combination.
A 12th house Venus becomes the reconciler of a Mercury/Uranus opposition; as Venus rules the MC it appears the president is once again involved in secret back-room activities that may have something to do with the country’s neighbors (Venus ruled Libra on the 3rd house cusp).
The majority of planets occupy Fire signs. As noted by astrologer C.E.O. Carter: “Under affliction this force becomes uncontrolled and causes those under its influence to be wild, turbulent, given to extravagance and exaggeration, passionate and reckless, over-confident and self-indulgent. We get primitive traits, and marked tendency to ego-exaltation, self-importance, vanity, and love of pomp and grandeur.”
Mars in Fire sign Leo in the 1st house represents the nation’s people as a whole; the square of Mars to Saturn signifies positive lack of adaptation to environment, and consequent conflict that will bring acute crises and periods of struggle.
Those of you who have wisdom are as prepared as much as possible considering individual circumstances…nevertheless, continue to store extra food, water, and medical supplies for as long as time permits.