For years GATA has fought the fight against huge odds. I can’t imagine what the gold community would be without them.
It sounds like they are upon hard times and could use whatever help one can provide.
Le Metropole Members,
‘Lawyers, guns, and money’ and ‘weed, whites, and wine’
Submitted by cpowell on 07:50AM ET Saturday, September 19, 2015. Section: Daily Dispatches
10:53a ET Saturday, September 19, 2015
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Andy Hoffman, analyst for the Miles Franklin bullion shop in Minnesota, this week praised GATA for making great progress in exposing the gold price suppression scheme of governments and central banks and, really, the totalitarianism of the financial class that is engulfing the world. Hoffman’s commentary is headlined “The GATA Army — Battle-Tested and Stronger Than Ever” and it’s posted at the Miles Franklin Internet site here —
— but it’s mistaken in one big respect.
That is, while we are always gaining adherents, GATA is not stronger than ever. To the contrary, as with nearly everyone else in this God-forsaken sector, these are our Valley Forge days, especially since gold and silver mining companies have agreed to die quietly and the World Gold Council is even cheerleading for the Indian government’s plan to paperize and hypothecate all the privately held gold in that country.
So as we’re ever closer to being broke, this may be as good a day as any to appeal to those who have not already helped us to consider doing so, maybe in the spirit of Warren Zevon, who asked for “lawyers, guns, and money” —
— or Little Feat’s “Willin'” —
I’ve been kicked by the wind,
Robbed by the sleet,
Had my head stoved in,
But I’m still on my feet
And I’m still — willin’. …
— which Linda Ronstadt may have performed as well as anyone:
We’ve already got lawyers and don’t need any guns or “weed, whites, and wine” — OK, a little red wine can be encouraging — but money would be put to good use, even as we’ll admit that we’re “willin'” to keep at this as best we can whether you help or not.
Is you are inclined to help, please visit:
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Commmittee Inc.