Burkina Faso’s President Michel Kafando said he and his government were back in power on Wednesday a week after a coup, though it was unclear who was really in charge after the rebellion’s leader attended a state function.
“I have returned to work,” Kafando told journalists at the foreign ministry.
At around the same time, around 5 km (3 miles) away, coup leader General Gilbert Diendere appeared at the airport, backed by a contingent of his presidential guard, to welcome regional leaders arriving to try to negotiate an end to the crisis.
Troops loyal to the government, who had arrived in the capital from bases across the country to disarm the coup leaders, were not visible on the streets of Ouagadougou.
Presidential guard soldiers maintained their positions at the national television headquarters, despite a deal signed overnight between the two sides under which they were to be confined to barracks to avoid clashes.
The head of protocol for the presidency, present at the airport, told Reuters that an official ceremony during which power would be handed back to the transitional authorities was scheduled for later on Wednesday. Until then, he said Diendere would remain in charge.
more http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/09/23/us-burkina-army-president-idUSKCN0RN0U120150923