we vas chust following orders
think about all the vw folks that would have known and kept the secret
when you here a so called crazy idea in the net…and the response is cant be true..think of all the people that would need to know…to pull it off…someone would talk..will guess we can throw that someone would talk theory out the window
Here’s the real crime
all engines pollute. I think some big manufactures hide behind catalytic converters. Overpack them with Platinum and hope for the best. Burn up residual particulate matter. Can’t see the pollution or test for it, it’s just super-gassified. Same pollution footprint, just makes people feel better. See no evil, smell no evil. All done.
Sergeant Shults defense ! I vas unavare ! ..I know NOTHINK !
In Seattle, Chinese leader vows to join U.S. to fight cybercrime
They’re shutting down major freeways at rush hour as Xi Jinping visits Boeing and Microsoft. Why in H isn’t he ferried around on a helicopter rather than screwing over hundreds of thousands of people trying to get home from work. Asinine!
UBS likes gold … a little
‘Time to warm up to gold?’
RIP Yogi Berra … you brought smiles
Yogi Berra’s greatest quotes
◾It’s like deja-vu all over again
◾It ain’t the heat; it’s the humility
◾Baseball is 90% mental – the other half is physical
◾I never said most of the things I said… Take it with a grin of salt
◾If you don’t know where you’re going, you might end up some place else
◾He hits from both sides of the plate. He’s amphibious
◾You can observe a lot by watching
◾The future ain’t what it used to be
◾Never answer an anonymous letter
◾When you come to a fork in the road, take it
◾I always thought that record would stand until it was broken
◾If the world was perfect, it wouldn’t be
◾Always go to other people’s funerals, otherwise they won’t go to yours
So far no stones…
unless it is fine crystals. Definitely a UTI. Ororeef, I remember your enzyme story and I eat them when I can. My years in Hawaii taught me to become a Kim Chee afficianado, and being germanic I cannot escape the saurkraut, either. I think I have been more dehydrated than anything in past days.
eeos… I am reminded that ‘beer is only rented… and it’s a short-term rental!’ Anything that will flush the fluids. I’ve consumed over two gallons of water in the past day, and a pint of cranberry juice. I don’t think I dare do a beer yet, with all the other meds I’m taking.
The real eye-opener was how little the morphine did for the pain. Analgesics just do not work on an active infection. Can’t find a good ‘Hospital Train’ when I need one! Thanks everyone for the well wishes.
Burkina president says back in charge, but no sign of deal
Burkina Faso’s President Michel Kafando said he and his government were back in power on Wednesday a week after a coup, though it was unclear who was really in charge after the rebellion’s leader attended a state function.
“I have returned to work,” Kafando told journalists at the foreign ministry.
At around the same time, around 5 km (3 miles) away, coup leader General Gilbert Diendere appeared at the airport, backed by a contingent of his presidential guard, to welcome regional leaders arriving to try to negotiate an end to the crisis.
Troops loyal to the government, who had arrived in the capital from bases across the country to disarm the coup leaders, were not visible on the streets of Ouagadougou.
Presidential guard soldiers maintained their positions at the national television headquarters, despite a deal signed overnight between the two sides under which they were to be confined to barracks to avoid clashes.
The head of protocol for the presidency, present at the airport, told Reuters that an official ceremony during which power would be handed back to the transitional authorities was scheduled for later on Wednesday. Until then, he said Diendere would remain in charge.
more http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/09/23/us-burkina-army-president-idUSKCN0RN0U120150923
Maya @ 2:03 STONES
Do you have Gout ,or high URIC acid ?…Different stones may have different cures…..I had stones every day ..sharp stones 10 or 20 a day that cut as they moved ,It felt like I was pissing fishooks as an other sufferer described it .I found a cure for me…..I lacked an enzyme that digested Calcium completely ,so my stones were partially digested calcium .I took an multi enzyme Pro Biotic sold by wal-mart for $6.50 ..The label said take one with each meal ..I found 3 was too much for me .I settled on 1 a day .I also added fresh lemon in water every day and increased water intake by 30 oz ..After 2 weeks the stones completely stopped .My kidney specialist had NO comment except to say keep me posted .He had NO idea how to stop them.. I was desperate ,I recalled I was lactose intolarent and thought there might be a connection .This led me to ENZYMES like they use to ferment cheese and that makes milk products digestable …EAT fermented foods like saurkraut ,kimshee ,natto ,yogurt …NO preservatives it KILLS enzymes .READ the labels avoid preservatives that kill enzymes.The weather is also a big factor ..spring & FALL Im prone to acid build up its an immune system overreaction ..Flush it out before it build s up .Sometimes a dose of Castor oil is the fix when a gout attack is already in progress (it works fast).Again if its ACID build-up related type of stone ..
a change in the weather?
did you get up this morning and feel a little fall in the air? well, there’s a reason for that. it’s fall! happy autumnal equinox to one and all! wednesday, 23 september 2015.
from the MSM
Growing Number Believe California’s Drought Is A Government Conspiracy
Geez Maya that sounds terrible
Get well soon!
Good morning Oasis
Eldorado Gold says “quietly optimistic” about new Greek govt talks
Globex : Project Updates, Acquisitions, Deals
Goldcorp confident in future of Quebec mine despite hiccups
Newmont not interested in Barrick’s U.S. assets, eyes Australia
Kaminak Increases Grade, Oxide Ounces and Indicated Resources in Updated Mineral Resource Estimate at Coffee Gold Project and Provides Feasibility Study Update
I am so sorry to hear of your distress. Maybe some of these natural remedies will help:
Eagle eye has suffered many kidney stones. The best way I’ve seen him get past it is to crack a cold beer. It opens up your uretha and allows the stone to pass. Sounds ridiculous but in the last year or two he was able to pass one this way
Personal Health Report – The Sword of Damocles
I have felt it. Spent last night in the Emergency Room. Very good description like a sword up the core of your torso…. twisting. Diagnosis: Kidney stones & Urinary Tract infection. I was gratified that the Doc said he would give me morphine for the pain. Later I found it only took the pain from a ’10’ to a ‘9-1/2’… barely took the edge off. First time I’ve had morphine. After most of the night in the ER, they gave me one more dose… took the pain down to a ‘6’. Then after visiting an all-night pharmacy I went home with a bag of five meds:
Antibiotic (Cipro)
Bladder muscle relaxer
Ibuprofen (anti-inflammatory)
Percocet (pain relief)
I barely caught a nap when the morphine wore off. Percocet was less effective. Since then I have had two gallons of water to drink, and cannot handle any food as yet. Cranberry juice to the rescue.
Somebody shoot me…. please?