unless it is fine crystals. Definitely a UTI. Ororeef, I remember your enzyme story and I eat them when I can. My years in Hawaii taught me to become a Kim Chee afficianado, and being germanic I cannot escape the saurkraut, either. I think I have been more dehydrated than anything in past days.
eeos… I am reminded that ‘beer is only rented… and it’s a short-term rental!’ Anything that will flush the fluids. I’ve consumed over two gallons of water in the past day, and a pint of cranberry juice. I don’t think I dare do a beer yet, with all the other meds I’m taking.
The real eye-opener was how little the morphine did for the pain. Analgesics just do not work on an active infection. Can’t find a good ‘Hospital Train’ when I need one! Thanks everyone for the well wishes.