they still wont be able to raise RATES…..The economy would not support it. Interest is a TAX on the economy gathered by people that do not add goods or useful service to it. Too many chiefs ……not enough Indians..You must increase employment at all wage levels…Get rid of the Dead Wood….Cut the Banks in Half.Tax imports.Eliminate domestic business Taxes .Eliminate all taxes on domestic manufactured goods.Install investment TAX Credit. Allow small business to Expense everything, eliminate all depreciation schedules..just take it off the books period. Eliminate all laws that require RECapture of unused Depreciation.Thats nothing but theft…..
The Gubberment and Democrats created this situation.They wont solve it.Exempt small business from all wage laws.and you will see employment rise so fast they will have to raise wages to attract the right people.Stop trying to force employers to hire anybody doesent work.Double Soc Sec payments they spend all their money and do it wisely .They cannot re enter the work force .The young can..They were forced to consume their savings with interest at Zero.! Use them to stimulate the economy not free money for Bankers.Then interest rates will rise because of DEMAND ..not because of lack of it.
Double the Price of GOLD..that will reduce the demand for it and stabilize the Dollar ……The ADministration has the WRONG viewpoint on that ..there a bunch of egghead academics completely ignorant of the real business world…useless…