This is why central planning is wrong….Its better to have SMALLER risk,smaller test mistakes will be smaller.
Central Planning is the TOOL of Meglo Maniacs ,those with a GOD Complex and a need to dominate others.The very worst of Society Psychologically .
Its why the Founders wanted balancing forces equal Power of Political entities ……Central Planning is a Communist Idea and has failed everywhere and only brought misery for those that live under it. Even in RUSSIA ..LENIN told Armand Hammer personally only ten years after the Russian revolution that “Its failing” its not working …yet they couden’t get rid of it because the Political Maniacs got Power and would not give it up .The only way out of it is FEET FIRST. Obama and the UN are examples of what Central Planning will do for you It took 100 years for Russia to emerge from it…..ITS a BAD IDEA….Bad for the FED ,Bad for Banking and Rothschilds Banking Monopoly .Central Planning is the Same as MONOPOLY..Do you want to give EVIL a Monopoly ?