If you can capture the stone ..dont throw it away..have it analyzed .That may help prevent future stones .
My particular type of stone problem was solved by enzymes I lacked .They were formed by partially digested calcium ..terribly painfull with sharp cutting edges ..fortunately very small almost microscopically small. No Dr solved that problem for me .I solved it myself with internet research ..enzymes..enzymes..enzymes fomented foods were my solution ..I was getting 30-40 stones per day and the Kidney specialist had no clue because I couldent capture a stone it was like pissing fishooks ..death by a thousand cuts.. It did some damage to my kidneys capacity ..probably scar tissue .Doc says kidney function is stable for last two years ….Anaylize the stone ,then reverse engineer how it was formed mentally ,check the acid ph in the Blood tests thats a clue ..mine was very high also another clue to me was Gout ,and inability to tolerate milk products ..Be a detective become Sherlock Holmes ..like the dog that didnt bark when it normally would have.Each part of the blood test needs to be suspect and any other food allergies that seem like small things are clues even the WATER you drink ..Too much lime ? too much Fluoride ?Too much chlorine ! The Dr dosent have enough time to do this ..he depends on blood test checked against the established norms ….get a copy of the blood tests see if he missed anything .couple that with what appear to be things you learned to live with and possible shouldent have ..Bon Chance !