Why Gold Is Surging: BofA Says To Expect A “Massive Policy Shift In 2016”
While US equity futures have gone nowhere overnight, which is surprising considering (the incorrect) interpretation that by boosting overall liquidity through expanded collateral China has finally unleashed shadow QE (more on this later), which led to a rally for Chinese stocks if not US risk, one asset class that has been quietly levitating higher overnight is gold. Perhaps a lot of this is due to the realization that while the PBOC may not have launched QE now, it has no choice but to do so eventually.
Or perhaps the real realization is what Macquarie said over the weekend when it laid out quite correctly what the next big policy step will be after the current QE craze fizzles. This is what we said on Saturday:
To summarize what Australia’s biggest investment bank just said, in a nutshell, “small and incremental is out”, and will be replaced by big and “paradroppy”, a step which as Macquarie succinctly puts it, will “ban capitalism and by-pass banking and capital markets altogether.”
Crazy? Not at all: since the status quo will be fighting for its life, this step is all too likely if it means perpetuating a broken system, and an economic orders based on textbook after textbook of lies. In fact, we would go further and say war (of the global variety) is also inevitable, as the global “1%” loses control. It won’t go quietly.
Finally, we most certainly agree that the catalyst to unleash the “endgame” cycle will be some “combination of a major accident in several asset classes and/or sharp global slowdown.” But long before that even, keep an eye on gold: having provided a tremendous buying opportunity for the past 4 years because for some idiotic reason “conventional wisdom” decided that central banks are in control, have credibility and can fix a problem they created and make worse with each passing day, soon the global monetary debasement genie will be out of the bottle, and not even the entire BIS trading floor will be able to suppress the price of paper (as physical gold has not only decoupled from paper prices but long since departed on a one-way trip to China) for much longer.
more http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-10-12/why-gold-surging-bofa-says-expect-massive-policy-shift-2016