Re: President Obama and whatever else passes for authority in America these days won’t even talk about that. They don’t have a vocabulary for it. They don’t understand how it works and what it’s doing to the nation.
Obama has no clue what a traditional family is and appears jealous of those who do or even try to go on with the absence of a parent. He has nothing but Attack the traditional American family while trying to prop himself up as well as his absent muslim father he didn’t even know. He doesn’t represent the mainstream America or the real fathers of America but resents them and appears it’s why he sides with anything but.. The blind leading the blind.
They don’t want a close nit society anyways they want it torn down so they can usurp themselves from the restraints of a disciplined government and subvert us as their slaves. When will people wake up and see these to put it lightly undisciplined politicians are the minority of liars and manipulators. When for one will they see what their doing is a crime. When will they see that Obamas war on Syria by supporting terrorists to over throw Assad who is legally elected by his country is Illegal as well as the debt he is leaving us, the horrific crimes against humanity and the resulting invasion of uncivilized opportunists that call themselves refugees. Where is the charges of these crimes? Instead they are worrying about Billarys they call her now emails.