is being ravaged by inflation because of Phony inflation numbers ……EX FOOD and ENERGY was their standard mantra …for what reason it was eliminated Ill never know except to screw the Receiptiants out of money that would go directly INTO the economy … Contrast that with money going directly in to Banks never to be seen again. What do they need ? Better indicaters ? Heres a couple that have worked for 50 years .1.The Price of a Loaf of Bread. 2.Price of a can of Soup,a Newspaper,Pack of cigarettes … whether you agrees with eating, reading for education or smoking makes no difference ! in its value as an indicator. Its better than what they are using NOW ! Abolish the FED, its a clearly BANKERS, MONEY CHANGERS,scrooge mentality ,self SERVING to to protect the Financial Industry at the expense of every one else.I have no argument against Finance except it is not more important than MAIN St and SHOULD NOT be PUT in CHARGE of everything .Its a TOOL like everything else . A little diversity at the Fed would be a good start.Put some business men from the REAL EConomy on the BOARD with BACKGROUNDS in Manufacturing would be a good start.
What do you tell your Parents and Grand Parents after a lifetime of working and paying into a Soc SEC system and ten years of ZERO interest Rates that have destroyed their SAVINGS ? Do you tell them to “find a JOB” where none exist….at age 75 -80..?
Double the SOC SEC payment and the money will go directly into the economy ..require proof it was spent if you like ! Why put young people on the DOLE and Punish the elderly.. Stupid is as Stupid does… Jesus knew what he was doing when he THREW the Money Changers out of the Temple ….(I dont even go to Church and I understand why he did it)..