T. Payne I think said that. The PTB media can create or modify public opinion in about two weeks. The most important objective is for tax payers to #1, buy and control the biggest media company. Maybe even do an eminent domain thing on them.
#2 is to re-declare US independence from Britton. #3 declare neutrality like Switzerland. I’m an isolationist. Anything else is not good for America imo. Re wars? They can not happen with real money. Not affordable. The Fed Res was created so “we” can involuntarily borrow and the “we” but not we, can spend it on wars etc.
Everybody really needs to think much deeper into things. “China” is not China either. Its a sanctuary, or harbor, for businesses to operate unfettered, like Afghanistan is a sanctuary, or harbor for terrorists from many countries, with one objective.
“China” is where manufacturers from around the world are harbored. It used to be USA once. Example, if my domestic USA business uses 100 tons of copper a year, and I move my business to “China”, “China” gets the credit for consumption of 100 tons of copper, not the USA.