Media constantly begging the questions over and over. Just shows how dumbed down childish they are and so easily led. He said he ” could” of went to West Point and was offered by someone. That could of happened as I remember having people want to sponsering me In sports as a teen but no scholarships for wonen then in sports and had multi people trying plus later college as well as out of the country which I wasn’t interested in moving then. So that can happen if you want it but they have to know you do first and if you don’t they are not going to try. He wasn’t the military type but more intellectual type.
He went out said how media is always trying to distract people from the things at hand. They are after him because he’s telling it like it is never denying it because they can’t in front of him just behind his back but continue to ask the same questions over and over again. They are search for anyone who knew him 50 years ago. I may not be choosing him but don’t like how he’s being treated about things that happened so long ago before he turned his life around and who knows what problems he was dealing with then plus never went forward and did it. I’m guessing he was around violent people although don’t know what it was about with mom or grandma and a bad less it was stress from what was going on elsewhere but not making excuses only he knows what Demond’s he was dealing with.
Mean while we got Obama going behind congress and Hilary, ISIS, invaders, the economy, and they focus on this proving his point about their distractions acting like a pack of hungry Wolves. They don’t like it when the tables are turned on them do they and should be kept up. Now they’re trying to get the focus off them by attacking someone else and deny things only by themselves not when one of these republicans can call them on it. A bunch of hysterical cry babies.