Jim Sinclair’s Commentary
Egon von Greyerz hits the ground running and once again hits the nail on the head. He explains the bank’s willingness to indebt all the citizens of the world to extremes while watching the world explode to $100,000 gold.
This will send the army of gold and gold share trolls wild.
WARNING: Prepare For The Total Destruction Of The Financial System And $100,000 – $100 Million Gold
November 01, 2015
Today the man who has become legendary for his predictions on QE, historic moves in currencies, and major global events warned King World News that people need to prepare for the total destruction of the current financial system and $100,000 – $100 million gold.
By Egon von Greyerz, Founder of Matterhorn Asset Management & GoldSwitzerland
November 2 – (King World News) – How long can a bull fed on paper money survive?
It seems that a bull fed on paper money has eternal life. Whatever the news is, worldwide stock markets react positively. It takes a long time to kill off a secular bull even if it has the wrong diet.
Central banks have no policy
This past week stock markets surged on the news that more QE is likely from the ECB and also from China. But the news from the Fed was again another U-turn, with potential rate hike in December. As I have stated many times, neither the Fed nor any other central bank has got a clue what is happening. They continue to react to events and will change their mind on a daily basis. There is absolutely no central bank policy whatsoever…