And even more ridiculous is the fact that some very intelligent people, in the same breath, are talking about now being the time to invest in NUGT, GLD, GDX, GDXJ, and other ETF’s.
For F_ _ _ sakes people. How can you not see that it is the ETF’s, owned and controlled by the bankers, that have made it possible for us to be taken to the woodshed and kept there now for all these years??? All you have to do is look in the mirror if you want to see who is responsible. It is every person who chose to take the easy way out and buy the ETF’s and play the paper game instead of the real thing, PHYZ, or the actual shares of the actual companies who produce the PHYZ!!
So tell you what. Lets just blame every supporter of the PM’s who has encouraged you all these years to stick it out and hold the real thing. They all gotta be to blame!! Right?? Or maybe it’s time to wake up and smell the coffee and quit taking the easy way out by buying the bankers proxy for the real thing, which they immediately use against you. Maybe by doing so we can still turn this thing around???? You are not shooting yourself in the foot….you have shot yourself in the brain!! I dunno but I’m just gonna continue to hold the real thing, because when everything else fails, I’ll still have my ………Silverngold