How does that equate to the Attack on Syria from the Arabs than their boy Obama wanting a pipline from Arabia to yes you guessed it France? Can’t imagine why Russia who supplied europe would defend Assad for defending them and their next steps to one world government quest aided my Merkel. Why Russia knew he was being set up and it was them who caused the deaths of his citizens by supplying terrorists to do it.
They were never fighting ISIS in earnist they were fighting Assads people. Well that hasn’t worked out so well especially for the innocents of France and basically all of Europe but hey easier to implement their steps.
Where do the Jewish fit into that? Don’t think they do. They got enough to worry about surrounded by them like the Alamo. But hey Obamas gotta blame it on somebody and has no love for either Jews or Christians or America. I suppose his idea of American values would be letting Nazi soilder refugees in during WW11. Maybe throw in a few Japenesse Kamakazi’s. Meanwhile in a soccer game in Europe during a moment of scilence the peaceful refugees were yelling Allah Ackbar. At the moment of silence nor was Obama silent. Hum
The Muslims and Jews are so far ahead of the game with wars than young Americans who’s Framers by the way warned to stay out of Europes problems are not but tryimg to catch up I guess. Why they in the beginning didn’t want to get involved in WW11. Once Gov gets started hard to stop I guess as proven time and time again. Yes far ahead they are going back in time so heres a interesting piece for you to read by a muslim scholar over events going on there I ran into. By the way must you prove Moggy right?
Allah gave Israel to Jews
Blogger Elder of Ziyon translated Arab news sources that this Saturday reported on Adwan’s statements, in which he quotes the Koran saying Allah assigned Israel to the Jews until the Day of Judgement (Sura 5 Verse 21), and that Jews are the inheritors of Israel (Sura 26 Verse 59).
“I say to those who distort…the Koran: from where did you bring the name Palestine, you liars, you accursed, when Allah has already named it ‘The Holy Land’ and bequeathed it to the Children of Israel until the Day of Judgment,” argued Adwan. “There is no such thing as ‘Palestine’ in the Koran.