The Governor of NJ just said the President has given Catholic Charities the RIGHT to place MUSLIMS in any State without vetting and by passing YOUR Congressman & Senator without even giving the COURTESY of NOTIFICATION to STATE Authorities .
He has made a SECRET DEAL with this POPE violating your rights to security ..This POPE is NO FRIEND of America ..He’s willing to risk our lives so he can look like he’s DOING good just like OBAMA …Two POLITICIANS that dont care what you think or what your rights are…
I can verify its also true in Virginia as Catholic Charities have placed DOZENS of MUSLIMS here in Virginia in Henrico County a Conservative County … WE need to BAN CATHOLIC Charities by LAW from by passing the LAWS of every STATE…
I didn’t trust this POPE from the Beginning and I was right ! Donald Trump had some reservations about him and said so before his visit…