That Mensch from Florida with the big Tuchus DISINVITED her from the DEBATE yes Im talking about DEBBI WASERMAN SCHULTZ …..THE DEMOCRATS dont want someone that thinks for herself with a military mind to speak for them ….HILLARY is scared of her and wanted to FIX who DEBATE s
she is as corrupt as anyone could be …Wasserman takes her marching orders from Israel… THE FIX corruption and all keeps good people from the Democrat Party ..I doubt she will remain in the Party of corruption very long ..
The WAR on ASSAD is all about the GOLON HEIGHTS that Israel wants permanently thaTS WHY iSRAEL WANTS assad OUT AND rUSSIA WANTS HIM in …THATS what all this Shit in SYRIA is all ABOUT ….ISRAEL wants GOLON forever no matter how many have to die ,,, RUSSIA says NO …thats illegal .Obama dont know what to do….so he does nothing …Russia is our FRIEND but OBAMA cant acknowledge it ….The ISRAELI LOBBY wont let him…..