Lady steals from kid!
The Joke is on Them
And here’s the thing: These sales actually aren’t that good. In fact, some products are actually triple the price that they were 3 weeks ago. They are behaving this shamefully and paying more and their lack of research to determine this says that they’re probably not thinking ahead enough to prep.
This isn’t a one-time thing. It happens every single year.
Now…think about this.
What if there was no food? No water? No medicine? What if the grocery store was cleaned out and there was no sign of it restocking any time soon? How would this same throng of people behave to get the last loaf of bread or case of canned goods? What would they do if they knew you had food in your home while they had nothing?
I think we all know the answer to this question. If people are willing to assault another human being over a vegetable steamer, they will definitely lay siege to your home if you have food and they do not.
You can stockpile until you have a decade of supplies put back, but if you can’t defend it, you don’t actually own it. You only have your carefully collected supplies and prepsbecause no one has bothered taking them away from you yet. You have what you have based on the goodwill of others, who are stronger, greater in number, more ruthless, and better armed. When everyone else is doing it and there’s little to no chance of legal consequences, these crazy Black Friday shoppers will look as harmless as a bunch of little old ladies playing Bingo.