has the balls to set things straight again ,but one term is all the country could stand …..then re institute Constitutional Gubberment..
Presidents are usually elected to reverse trends but for a second term they then start thinking and get into trouble….
Obama never should have had a second term …..thats what Trump needs to do reverse everything from Obamas second term ,and Teach foreigners to respect us again ..The Country needed to prove it could elect a black ..it did that and should have quit while it was ahead …Obama started thinking and he went off the Deep end..He actually thought he knew what he was doing ! I would bet more people died in the mid East under Obama than anyone else in modern history. which only shows that if we wanted to elect someone who could think ,we would have elected Putin…the Christian reformer.He reformed Russia from Communist back to Christianity . WE need some of that too..! Trump seems to recognize Putins success ..