the Democrats have been taking money Gifts and Campaign funds surreptitiously obtained from from mid Eastern Banksters
and now dont know how to explain how thats ok with the American people .
The association between mid Eastern money and Terrorism is getting lots of exposure and is making Democrats very uncomfortable as they should be …because it infers an association with Terrorism and Treason for them ..Hillery’s association with he own Muslim chief of staff is suspicious because of her family ties and gives the appearance of an inside mole at a high level of Government and then theres her propensity to do favors for those that are generous to Bills “Foundation” …It makes her vulnerable to blackmail as did Bills sex escapades. Just think what if Lewinsky was induced to do her sex luring for Israel as that would make the President of the US subject to Blackmail by Israel..! Now Hillery is in the same vulnerable position…she puts the Country at risk.! Who needs that Stupid Risk from a Presidential Candidate ? Wasent 9-11 enough mid East money corruption enough ? Now San Bernardino is uncovering more mid East money corruption ,How could Democrats be so Stupid ?